Fit Snack | Fit Guide vol. 10

Feed your appetite for adventure with this month’s delicious, nutrient-dense, whole food snacks!

Hello, Fit Snacker, and Welcome to your October Fit Life Guide.

Inside you’ll find:

Fitness Challenge

Meditation & Mindfulness

Healthy Recipes

What’s in your Box?

Hello Fit Snacker!

Welcome to a new month of fun and healthy snacking! This month you’ll find that this box is packed with snacks rich in key nutrients your body needs and the cravings you desire most.

We know preparing your own meals is always preferred, but we’re here to remind you that you can have healthy meals and they don’t always have to be homemade. We’ve sought out companies that don’t just entice you with their labels but actually care about the ingredients they put into their products. We want you to feel good about what you’re eating, so take comfort in knowing your Fit Snack Nutritionist hand-picked and taste-tested every product. Think of Fit Snack as your own personal grocery shopper; we walked the snack isle and read the labels, so you don’t have to.

Thank you for putting your trust in the hands of Fit Snack. Enjoy this month’s snacks, and be sure to tag us in your snack breaks!

Fitness Challenge vol 10.0

Your Personal Trainer created workout was made to help strengthen your back. By building spine strength, you can build the foundation for a strong, powerful body. Hold that intention as you go!

Fit Snack Fitness Challenge

Trainer Note: If you are a beginner you can perform it 1x through. The video takes you through each exercise and one full round of the workout. Build intensity by working up to 6 Rounds where you will repeat round 2 and 3 in between the warm up and cool down!

Lets workout together – capture your workout in a photo or video. Tag @fitsnack on IG, we will be reposting all month.

Motivation What are your goals? What steps are you taking each day to reach your goals? IG @fitsnack #FueledByFitSnack

Meditation & Mindfulness

Boost Your Life

3 Mindfulness tips:

Who and I Today?” this simple mantra, allows you to explore letting go and inviting in a fresh new perspective. Repeat this mantra while breathing deeply for 5 minutes and enjoy a wonderful discovery!

Energy Check – ask yourself these 2 questions: 1. How do I feel? How is my energy? Now whatever the answer is, give yourself space to move through whatever came up. The practice of self-awareness.

Nutrition Mantra: Today, I give myself permission to feed my body, mind and soul with nutritious food and beverages. Today I give myself permission to be healthy. Today is the only day that matters.

Exclusive Fit Snack Recipes

Veggie Sticks and Rosemary Guacamole

PREP TIME: 15 min | COOK TIME: 0 min | YIELD: 04


  • 4 Avocados
  • 1/4 cup tiny diced onions
  • 2 tiny diced jalapeƱos
  • 1/3 cup goat cheese
  • 1 TBS chopped rosemary
  • 1/4 tsp salt


  • Place all ingredients into a bowls.
  • Us a fork to smash and mash
  • Once finished, move into a pretty serving dish.
  • Top with a sprig of Rosemary
  • Enjoy with Lesser Evil Himalayan Veggie Sticks from your Fit Snack Box!

Homemade No Guilt Ice Cream and Eat-fficient Walnut Brownie

PREP TIME: 10 min | COOK TIME: 0 min | YIELD: 2


  • 1/2 cup yogurt of your choice
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 BeBOLD Bar
  • 1 tsp honey


  1. Place 1/2 of the yogurt in beautiful glass
  2. Add berries and 1/2 of the BeBold Bar (crumbled)
  3. Finish adding yogurt, add the rest of the berries
  4. Top with the rest of the BeBOLD Bar
  5. Enjoy!

Gourmet Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Trail Mix

PREP TIME: 10 min | COOK TIME: 0 min | YIELD: 04



  • 1/4 cup goji berries
  • 1/4 cup dried mulberries
  1. Place all ingredients into container
  2. Enjoy small portions on the go!

What’s in Your August Box?

Remember to tag @fitsnack in your Summer adventures.