Hello, Fit Snacker, and Welcome to your Fit Life Guide.

Inside you’ll find:
Fitness Challenge
Meditation & Mindfulness
Healthy Recipes
What’s in this month’s Box?
Mocktails are a way of life.
When you’re hosting an occasion, any occasion, one of the key elements is a large pitcher of a mocktail of your fancy. You will bring a smile to the faces of all of your guests. What you prepare is a ‘fountain of youth’ in itself because it will be hydrating everyone while inspiring their taste buds! There are a ton of ingredient combinations that can help you to be sure to make something incredible without being too sweet or sugary. Though it may sound tuchay, the key ingredient is always love, so be inspired with love, to make something delicious for your guests.
Going out? Most restaurants offer mocktails on their menus, but if they don’t, they will still make them for you. When you order a mocktail and slowly sip and enjoy the flavors it will look and feel like you are enjoying a cocktail. Key is the art of appreciation and giving yourself the opportunity to savor each and every sip and the full tasting experience of your grandier beverage.
Slow down, breathe, sip and enjoy.
Let’s focus on the Margarita and some easy variations that will go well with any occasion
- Lime
- Lemon
- Simple Syrup (Lakanto has a sugar-free one available, or you can make it yourself)
- Orange Juice
- Sea Salt or Tajin (for rimming the glass)
- Optional flavor additions:
- Blackberries
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Oranges
- Basil
Use a cocktail shaker to prepare by the glass or a pitcher to stir in the ingredients.
- Poor Lemon, Lime, OJ, Simple Syrup into a cocktail shaker or picture (pending how much you are making. Shake it up or stir it up with ice!
- If you want to add one of the optional flavors from above, muddle them into a bowl or cup then add them to the mixture and shake or stir again.
- To prep your glass(es), rub lime juice on the rim of each glass, then place the glace face down onto a small dish of salt or tajin, and rotate it around until you have a nice layer on the rim. Add ice to the glass(es)
- Pour the virgin margarita mixture over the ice of your salt or tajin rimmed glass
- Enjoy!
Fitness Challenge Vol 9
Your Personal Trainer created a workout perfect for all levels. Enjoy your workout with Kelsi, one of our favorite Fit Snack Trainers, this month!
Fitness Challenge Levels:
Beginners – Perform it 1x through at your own pace. The video takes you through each exercise. Enjoy stretching at the end.
Moderate to High Intensity: Build the intensity by working up to 5 Rounds where you will repeat round 2 and 3 in between the warm-up and cool down! Challenge yourself with pace and form.
Motivation What are your goals? What steps are you taking each day to reach your goals? IG @fitsnack #FueledByFitSnack #FitSnackChallenge

Mindfulness Tip:
The idea behind the mocktail is the concept of replacement.
Energy is not created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed. When you get into habits, it is a big build up of energy over time that has you vibrating on a certain plane of life or living. When you want to make changes, the easiest way to do it is to exchange one behavior with another. When it comes to our health, the easiest and best thing to do is to exchange one habit that is less healthy with a habit that is more healthy. What you are doing is feeding, empowering and adding to your life, not taking something you love away. It’s a simple exchange.
So think about some of the patterns or habits that you are finding yourself in right now, that you would like to shift? Go ahead and make a list of the 5 to 10 things that come to mind (on one side of a piece of paper). From an inspired, loving place and creative place, look at each item and try to imagine what a fun alternative could be? For example; write “Cocktail” and next to it draw an arrow representing the shift, then write “Mocktail”. You can see the energy shift on paper. Now go ahead and do this with the rest of your list.
Here is an example list to help inspire yours:
- Cocktail -> Mocktail
- Wake up and pick up my phone -> Wake up and pick up my mala beads and breathe ½ way around the chain of beads and then set an intention for my day.
- 2nd Cup of Coffee -> Make a Caffeine free tea or a smoothie
- Spend my work break scanning social media -> Go for a walk or find a place to do 10 minutes of yoga or stretching
- Eat a bag of M&Ms after dinner -> Eat some high-quality chocolate with high-quality ingredients.
- Before bed, watch a show -> before bed, make it quiet and dim and do a 30-minute relaxation yoga flow
I have the power to create change in my life. I do not have to remove the things I love, I simply can exchange for healthier options that I also love.
Yoga With Kimmy
Lemon Garlic Salmon

- 4 salmon portions skin-on
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 teaspoons coconut oil
- 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 8 garlic cloves minced
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill
- Season salmon with salt and pepper.
- Heat a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Add coconut oil and heat for 30 seconds. Place salmon into the skillet, starting with the skin side up. Sear for 3 to 4 minutes, then flip and sear the other side for 3 more minutes. Then, move the salmon to one side of the pan.
- Pour lemon juice into an empty area of the skillet and garlic cloves and saute for 60 seconds. Spoon garlic lemon juice over salmon and cook until fish is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.
- Sprinkle fresh dill on top of salmon portions and serve immediately. Garnish with lemon slices if desired.
What’s in Your Box?
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Moringa Organic Superfood Powder | Miracle Tree
Miracle Tree’s superfood powder features moringa- a nutritionally exceptional superfood. Use in smoothies, justices, or in cooking and baked goods!
To purchase, visit www.MiracleTree.org and use coupon code fitsnack20 for 20% off.

Fiber Gourmet | Rosemary Hexagon Crackers
Fiber Gourmet crackers have 53% less calories per serving compared to the leading brand. Delicious on its own, and perfect with your favorite dip!
To purchase, visit www.FiberGourmet.com and use coupon code fitsnack20 for 20% off.

Sheffa | Sesame Savorybar
A crunchy, wholesome sweet-free snack baked with the goodness of toasted sesame seeds.
To purchase, visit www.sheffafoods.com and use coupon code fitsnack15 to save at checkout.

Field Trip | Pepperoni Meat Stick
Our sticks are a protein-packed stack that is perfect for any on the go lifestyle!
To purchase, visit www.fieldtripsnacks.com and use coupon code fitsnack20 for 20% off.

The GFB | Grab & Go Coconut Cashew Bites
Healthy convenient snack you can take anywhere! Delicious coconuts and cashew along with our signature chew-crispy texture!
To purchase more, visit www.thegfb.com and use coupon code fitsnack20 for 20% off

Veggicopia | Gourmet Klamata Olives
Our Veggicopia Greek Kalamata olives are keto and paleo-friendly, glute-free, and loaded with healthy fats and antioxidants. Wth our single serving packs, you can BYOO (Bring Your Own Olives) whererever you go!
To purchase, visit www.Veggicopia.com