The PATH to Balance
Balance is key to happiness and health
In life the path to balance seems pretty straight forward eat well, workout, work hard and play hard. Your lifestyle is one thing, but getting your body into balance by making sure you get the right nutrients can be another thing entirely. We have found the perfect solution to simplify the diet part for you by bringing your body into balance with one product.
Herbal Strategy is being featured in our October Fit Snack box!
Herbal Strategy is “your guide to foods that heal”. A renowned chef is behind the creation of this super food blend, he ensures each ingredient is the highest quality. High quality organic super foods give you the greatest nutritional yield (meaning you get all of the health benefits that come with consuming these super foods). Herbal Strategy included a 3-day supply of the superfood solution “The PATH” in the October Fit Snack box.
The path is a serious well-balanced superfood solution to attain:
- Better Health
- Improved Wellness
- and to help your body THRIVE!
It is a synergistic formulation of 15 of the World’s most Potent Fresh, Raw, Super food Powders to give your body what it needs. You won’t find a more powerful mix of organic, vegan, natural, super food powders on the market today. The PATH is designed for general health & wellness and is made of raw berries, fruits, roots and greens all together in one concentrated, synergistic blend. These super foods are considered some of the best natural remedies on the planet.
The PATH is the ideal smoothie add on for targeted health needs, which in this case are balance and homeostasis. Unlike a lot of the green powder mixes out there, it mixes very easily and makes a smooth green drink.
Check out this Herbal Strategy video and see the Chef behind the solution in action!
11 Superfoods Healthier than Kale
Here’s a fun fact from the video. Did you know? Beets boost stamina. In a study with Triathletes they were able to train 30% longer when they drank beet juice. Herbal Strategy is more than information and fun facts it is also a community where you can learn as well as share your love of super foods.
We have a little secret to share, since you’ve read this far you deserve to be in on it. The November Fit Snack box will have another Herbal Strategy solution. Stay tuned to find out what’s to come. We promise it’s full of great health benefits and is well worth the wait.