Sweet Potato Crackers
RW Garcia believes that satisfying your craving for snacks should go hand in hand with a commitment to eating healthier, more nutritious foods.
Their tortilla chips, gluten-free crackers and corn chips are made from the finest ingredients and come in a variety of delicious flavors. They’re great for dipping, culinary creativity, or eating right out of the bag.
Organic Sweet Potato
- A delicious blend of Corn & Sweet Potato
- 3 seeds: Flaxseed, sesame and chia
- USDA Organic
- Verified NON-GMO
- Certified Gluten Free
- Kosher
RW Garcia’s Non-GMO Commitment
RW Garcia, has taken a stand on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) by setting a strict standard of adherence to both U.S. and European Union standards of allowable limits for GMOs. They are an official participant in the Non-GMO Project Product Verification Program, and have received product verifications for all of their tortilla chip and gluten-free cracker products. To learn more about the Non-GMO Project, please visit: Non-GMO Project.
GMOs are plants, animals or microorganisms whose genetic code has been altered to give it characteristics that farmers and manufacturers consider advantageous – such as added nutrients, better yields or increased resistance to diseases and pests.GMOs present environmental risks that may negatively affect present and future generations, including:Crossbreeding with conventional species, leading to a loss in genetic diversityHarming or killing insect species (like bees) that are essential to the environmentHerbicides and pesticides becoming less effective as they are continually used
Under current regulation, it is possible for consumers to be unaware that they are consuming GMO products. And governments around the world agree that while it is currently impossible to ensure 100% GMO free products due to cross contamination to existing (even organic) crops, it is possible to measure and minimize the amount of GMOs in products. BUYING CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCTS IS NOT AN ASSURANCE THAT THE PRODUCTS ARE FREE OF GMOs!
RW Garcia allows only Identity-Preserved raw materials into their manufacturing facilities and our products and demand testing to beat both U.S. and European standards of allowable limits for GMOs.
They have also been working with SnackSafely.com for many years to ensure that our products meet the allergy-friendly standard for all public schools and organizations. RW Garcia’s products and facilities are all CERTIFIED PEANUT AND TREE NUT FREE.
To Purchase, visit www.RWGarcia.com