November Fit Snack Workout
Warm Up 5 minutes (Rotating each move for 30 seconds)
Butt Kicks
Mountain Climbers
High Knees
Jumping Alternating Lunges (Intermediate Only)
You’re November Workout Plan
Mon. Legs – Cardio – Abs
Tues. Arms – Cardio
Wed. Cardio – Legs – Abs
Thurs. Arms – Cardio
Friday Yoga/Stretch
Cardio Options
10 min Jump Rope
10 min (Rotate 30 sec each) High Knees, Butt Kicks, Mountain Climbers, Jumping Jacks
10 min Running
Fit Snack Leg Workout
20 Four way lunges – reg., reverse, side to side and curtsey lunge
20 Wighted Squats
40 Three way Calf Raises – 1. Toes apart & heels touching 2. Middle regular 3. Toes Touch & heels apart
Fit Snack Arm Workout
20 Staggered Push Ups – Rt arm is 1 hand higher than left. After 10 reps switch.
20 Plank to Elbows – 1 rep is lowering to elbows, then raising to a full plank.
20 Tricep Push Ups – Push up with elbows touching your. sides
Fit Snack Ab Workout
20 Russian Twists (Position: bent knees, feet on floor, spine straight)
20 Leg Raises – Spine glued to the floor, activate lower abs tighten as you lower and lift.
20 Crunches – squeeze as you lower and raise.
Fit Snack Stretches, hold for 30 seconds each
Runners Lunge, lower your back knee to the ground
Sitting Legs wide, reach to the right side then the left.
We hope you enjoy your November Fit Snack Fitness Challenge designed by our Personal Trainer, Anita Muniz. We hope you can stick to the program. Anita is a triathlete, swimmer, runner and weight lifter. If you want a more in depth and personalized training program check out our Fit Snack Fitness Program we are launching especially for you. Designed by yours truly, I hope you enjoy every minute of it and may you gain motivation and strength daily. We want your input and feedback as we launch our Fitness Program so we can ensure it is perfect for you.