Have you considered your New Years Resolution?

It might seem like a daunting task, let us help make it easier. The new year is a time for new beginnings and a fresh start so why not start with you. Set yourself up for success this year with a solid resolution and plant the seed for change in your life.

One of the most inspiring quotes I read this year talked about how important it is to do good for others, but ended with how important it is to do something great for yourself. We forget how crucial it is to first be kind to ourselves and invest energy in ourselves before we can be great for others. So here is our call to action to invest in yourself and be the change you want to see.

Here are some simple tips to consider to help you come up with a great New Years resolution. You can’t go wrong when you’re trying to improve. We even included some fun examples from our Fit Snack Team.

“If you’re better, everything will be.”

1. Be realistic – focus on 1 obvious thing you want and/or need to change
~Be specific. What Exactly do you want to IMPROVE? Now what do you want to do to manifest it?
Here’s an example: “I want to start swimming consistently so I can have an edge”. More specifically, “Since I want to swim competitively, I will join a masters swim team and I’ll show up to every practice.”

2. You need a back up plan for your resolution – A little something I like to call Plan B – Prep for it, then prepare to make mistakes and have a Plan B. This helps you to be realistic with yourself about what you can do to eventually achieve what you want.

~Plan B Ex: Anita – “I missed practice and have failed” v.s. “I’ll go to 3 practices a week and work up to 5.”


3. Succeed – if you’re determined you will. With a solid plan you can’t fail!

Here are a few more examples from the Fit Snack Team.

Our Founder Rose wants to become a better speaker, for her resolution she said

“I will sign up for voice lessons to improve control of my voice.” Her backup plan, “If I miss a lesson I will make it up.”


Fit Snack Intern, Arielle said

“I plan to step out of my comfort zone more often. I’ll accomplish this, by asking for and embracing new responsibilities and refusing to shy away from a challenge.”

The New Year is here so why not invest extra energy in improving. You will only be that much more prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

We wish you success in 2016, you got this. Happy New Year!